Goals of Behaviour Handbook
After obtaining a Bachelor of Education from the University of Calgary in 1969, George Ewashen began his teaching career in Calgary, Alberta in 1969. He taught elementary school students in the public school system till 1978. Along the way, he acquired a diploma in Educational Administration, a diploma in Educational Psychology and a master’s degree in Educational Psychology by 1982.
He began a new career, with the Calgary School Board in 1978, as a behavioural consultant (Visiting Teacher). He had this position till 1983. Later that year, he took on a new role and position as a special education teacher / psychologist at the Calgary Behavioural Intervention Centre. Here, students from the Calgary Public School system were assessed, counselled, and taught. After a few months of interaction with the students, recommendations were given to their parents, teachers, and administrators.Then, appropriate placements back into the community were initiated.
For four years, in a continuing education class, George taught parents how to respond to their children’s misbehaviour.
His career, with the Calgary Public School system, progressed with many positions in teaching, counselling and consulting. All these positions involved helping students, teachers, counsellors, administrators and parents understand misbehaviour